Friday 9 May 2014

Hello Again!

Hello everyone,

If it feels like it's been a while, then you won't be wrong. The last thing I posted on here was all the way back in September! I made the decision to move over to Wordpress in an attempt to create a more 'professional' blog, whatever that means, a while back, but after a few months over there I've come crawling back here.

So, what's new?

I'm planning on giving this blog a bit of a re-vamp, including sorting through old posts and changing the layout etc. From now on, you can expect to find books and lifestyle posts on here (if you're only interested in the books part, you might want to pop over to my wordpress to check those out). I'm going to tentatively set myself a schedule - one post a week, to be up by midnight on Sunday. I might do more during the week, but I don't want to set myself up for too much just yet.

Next year I'll also be entering dissertation mode, so over the summer I might experiment with YouTube. The reason I use blogs is to have a creative discussion outlet, but I don't just want to be sat typing in both my work time and my leisure time. I'll keep you posted on that!

So for now, welcome one and all! And I'll put up a proper post next week!

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